Monday, January 2, 2012

Welcome 20-12

Welcome 2012. I am totally one of those people who does New Years. No,no...not the cute little black dress and the heels and the drinks and the big party (maybe one day). The other part of it...the re-evaluating, goal-setting, more discipline, reflection part of the change of the year. Mark things I'm a little funny sometimes. I'm someone who alllwayyyyss has goals, always has a list of things to achieve, but of course this changing of the years is a more important time of analyzing and such. The New start, new mercies, new plans, new hang ups. New. Does New= Change? This year I hope it does. Change in routines, jobs, relationships....change. Change...good and bad, scary yet appealing. I wrote down my list of Resolutions yesterday (in my private journal) and maybe one day I'll write about them on here. But regardless, I encourage you to do the same-goal setting is such an important thing. And don't just write them down in a notebook somewhere only to forget about them until Dec. 31st of next year....hang it up in your room, your bathroom, on a kitchen cabinet, or taped to the steering wheel of your car. I like to accompany each of my resolutions with a bible me something to meditate on,it acts as a powerful reminder as to why these things are important. Just an idea. Start work back tomorrow after a 2 week break? I am so ready yet so not. Boo.

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