Tongans love to celebrate, but they really don't have as many "big days" as we do. Normally, they don't do much to celebrate most birthdays or wedding anniversaries. But because they knew it was a special day that is usually celebrated in America, our family put together a little morning treat for us. I'm sure that their planning conversations involved piecing together their limited knowledge of how Americans celebrate and doing their best to improvise with what they had. In my mind, I compare it to to the Way's gift of an unbelievably huge number of Macdonald's breakfast sandwiches when we stayed the night with them. Equally hilarious and touching, simply because their only motivation was to make us comfortable and bring us joy.
So on the morning of our anniversary, we were awoken by the voice of host mom softly calling out "congratulations"- primarily for the purpose of letting us know that they were about to enter our room, whether we wanted them to or not. Then while we were still half asleep, we were greeted by our host mother, father, and sister with gifts of flowers, a card, juice with wine glasses, and a cake. The cake was affectionately inscribed with the message "Inversary Cake," which is, of course, hilarious, but also undeniably logical when you think about it. All In all, it was quite a unique, enjoyable, and unexpected breakfast in bed. Even though we weren't able to go to dinner, see Over the Rhine, or go on any other romantic outing, we still felt loved and loved each other all the same. And even though this is only our third anniversary, I'm sure it will be among the most memorable.
Ta'u tolu 'osi mo lahi 'aupito ke ha'u (three years down and many more to come)
- Mark
Jeff and I love the blessing you received from your host family. Happy Anniversary from Oklahoma!!