Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Little Treasures

If you haven't heard about the craziness of our last month in Denver....oh man. Imagine condensing everything you own into approximately 10 boxes and 4 suitcases. I guess I tend to lean towards the packrat side of things. I had every lecture note from college still....

  The up-side of going through all you own, is finding little treasures such as these:
The picture on the left says "100 days= 2, 421 hours." I found that scribbled down in one of my college notebooks. Of course, it's reminiscent of the "100 Days Campaign". One day...oh one day, I'll put that story into words. I'll probably even have guest posts too-so many took part.
The picture on the right is a letter from my sis. I have approximately 600 letters like that. From class, friends, gossip, boys, bad hair days, breakouts, break's all there. A reminder that she was and still is, the BEST big sister ever. Love you Aim (this particular note was in regards to the tan man, fyi).


  1. I love this. And guest posts? Count me in! :)

  2. yes i would like to guest post as well! HA! :) I really just want to know why you didn't download that letter as apart of this treasures post...??
