Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Perfect Date

A perfect date..

   may or may not include...

~ a 12 mile bike ride

~hour long wanderings in (my favorite and) the biggest library around...

~ flipping through books that tell of magical places we may never visit, but really really cross my fingers, hope to visit oneday...and places maybe one day soon we will visit.

~seeing a fantastic movie in the theatre-with popcorn and everything!

~happy hour at mynt- (I had the usual, and so did he). And we talked about the future, and the past, and we laughed and bickered and people watched and enjoyed.

~a scrumptious dinner/dessert at Cheesecake Factory

~a slightly more wobbly bike ride (mynt will do that to you) to the light rail station

and hooome.

 I have a pretty awesome man. =)


  1. Can't wait to go on a date with the two of you... maybe we should all try to ride a bicycle after drinks. I'm sure I'd be a scene to enjoy :)
