Saturday, March 10, 2012

Back in the Saddle/Spring

After taking a 21 day leave from the gym (in part due to lingering illnesses, and the other week due to complete lack of motivation), I am back at it!

Spring is in the air my dear friends. It brings with it a more cheery disposition (for me), renewed hope and energy, and the feeling that all is right in this world.

Mark and I rode our bikes to the gym today, ran a bit, rode them back, spread a blanket in the backyard and read and talked together...the windows are open, the last of the snow has melted away...yes. Spring, we welcome you with open arms.

Spring always comes just in time...and when it arrives, I find myself completely delighted with my lot in life-my bright blue cheerful home, my students that oftentimes feel like my children, my co-workers, my best friends and housemates...

"Spring, Spring, Spring"

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