We invited them over but they said it wouldn't work...but what would work is us bringing dinner to them. So we did. Still in the process of unpacking, they were welcoming, hospitable, and completely down to earth. A refreshing little family living life in a refreshing way. We talked, and talked, and laughed and laughed. Thankful for new friends that make me double over in laughter.
It began with a dinner invitation. We weren't quite sure what to expect. Good conversation, good friends, and a freaking amazing dinner was shared. A competition has begun. A fun-hearted "foodie" competition. Gourmet meals shared alternatively at each other's homes...let's keep it going dear friends...my taste buds are lovin it!
They came...those dear ones of mine. And it is what made my summer. We adventured around the city, we laughed, we toured, we talked. We spent a memorable evening at Mynt, followed by a delicious grilled feast shared with our two best friends. I loved sharing my parents with our dear housemates. And I loved the laughter, the honesty, the questions, and the people. Oh, and the dancing. And then on Sunday morning they sang with Mar (as Mark always sings with him when we venture to CA). And my eyes welled with tears of the utter joy of hearing my father sing. Miss that so much... miss them so much...if ever we "settle", would love to settle near those two.
On Father's Day, with aforementioned friends, we were sharing a wonderful "dim sum" meal at a chinese kitchen, when Maung Way called. Always eager to talk to my friend, I answered. His words.. "baby come, baby no come, I don't know". Hmm...I guess we will make our way to Denver Health then.
So we did. And the baby DID in fact come. And she was so strong, and so brave. And he was so sad that he couldn't be there...so very very sad. And she wanted ME to be with her while she delivered. So I put on a brave face...and once she started pushing quickly sat as I realized my legs were and would give way, and I watched Saw A K come into this world. It was such a breath-taking moment-my very heart gasped as they put him in her arms. To share more would lessen it...it was a gift.
And then, the following Saturday, dad came home. So he called and we hurried to Grace. Oh my dear, dear friend.
(It took me...18 months to get those two girls to talk and play with me. And I am crazy about them, head over heels in love with them. But he is and always will be my favorite. He is the keeper of that family, and everything is more delightful when he is with them).
We hugged and hugged...there were smiles all around. There was laughter that nearly took both me and Maung Way to the floor as we replayed the babies first minutes and my subsequent near collapse. The family was whole and it was a wondrous day. He is my brother, in every way. I love him like one. Oh, there will be a day when communication doesn't stand in our way, and what a day that will be.
(And (I) keep all these things in (my) heart and think about them often). Lk 2:19
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