Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Our house has been absolutely crazy since we moved in! People over every other night, community meals, sleepovers, talks-serious and otherwise!, laughs,cries...doing life with people is what it is all about. Or, as Beth told a customer recently,"Community, it's good for the soul!".

Mark's friend Lee passed through last week with a handful of his friends (won't you all come back and live awhile?!). So, with them all sleeping down in the basement that put the house total to...5 boys, 4 girls, a pup, and two kits. It was great!

As you do, or don't know, two of our couches do not fit into our new house-through neither door nor window. Believe it or not, we continue to pull them out of our garage on a nightly basis as we grill out with our friends, get the fire pit going, and have yummy smores! I love sitting out in the backyard on my green snuggly couch roasting a mallow, listening to radical face, and getting to know some really cool people.

I could not have more enjoyed my weekend with all of us living in one big house! Mark has often hinted at commune living, and I have not always been so sure...but if Lee is there and he makes yummy raspberry french toast, I am SO in. =)

Love and community-get some.

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